Hadi Nur Setyawan

Students UMY 2009.  
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Islamic lifestyle and have a strong foundation absolute, ie Tawheed. This is the lifestyle of the believers. Every Muslim has become imperative for him to choose an Islamic lifestyle in life and his life. The jahili lifestyle, its basis is relative and fragile, that is shirk.  
This is the lifestyle of unbelievers.Say: "This is the path (religion) me, myself and the people who follow me invites (you) to Allah with a real proof, Glory to God, and I'm not including people who are idolaters". (Surah Yusuf: 108). 
Based on these verses it is clear that the Islamic lifestyle is obligatory upon every Muslim, and lifestyle jahili is haram for him. It's just that in fact it makes us very concerned and very sorry, because it jahili lifestyle (which is forbidden) that covers most of the Muslims. 
"Surely, you will follow in the footsteps of those before you, inch by inch and cubit by cubit, even if they go into the hole lizard, you would have to follow them". We asked, "O Messenger of Allah, the Jews and the Christians?" Answered the Prophet, "Who else?" (Narrated by Al-Bukhari). 
Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa Salam said:"Whoever imitates a people is he included among them" (Narrated by Abu Dawud and Ahmad).One among various lifestyle resembles that of other race / tasyabbuh are already entrenched and rooted in our society are we as an Islamic clothing, clothing both men and women we often encounter indulgence in fashion / clothing exposes the nakedness of the traits of ignorance.Then how should the way we dress (Islamic lifestyle)? should dress according to Islamic syar'i must meet these things: Closing the genitalia, polite, not tight, not transparent and does not resemble the clothing of the opposite sex. 
Let us fear the threat of the hereafter in this issue. Of course we do not want any of our family being tortured in Hell. Remember, the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa Salam once said: "Two groups of experts Hell that I have not seen them (in my day this) that a people who carry whips like the tails of cattle, they beat the man with the whip. (The second is) the women who dress (but the fact of his) naked (because expose private parts), waddle his way (look tempting), their heads like a swaying camel hump. They would not go to heaven do not even get a smell, but it smells wafted from the distance Heaven is so far ".  
(Narrated by Muslim). 
My brother n my sister, may still exist amongst us who are wondering why you should close the genitalia, was dressed in the usual dikenakanpun already considered polite and has become a culture, with tight clothes make more hanging out and added confidence and so on.  
O people, know that we were told to wear Islamic dress according to our nature, if we want to study more deeply, it is beneficial to ourselves, we can be protected from slander, we are safe from those who loves disobedience, we can get closer to God and so forth. Obviously these things are going to take our own benefit.Take a look in the real world we are brothers and sisters, reality. When we one day on purpose or do not see someone wearing clothes with tight jahili style and not close the genitalia, for example. What are the reactions of people who aqidahnya fragile? All kinds, there is considerable attention to it, have a look with lust and widened eyes, someone commented to his friend and those that directly interfere with the approach. When the intention to do an act is bad then what happens is he'll do something bad anyway. Surely it depends on the intention deeds. Then what about us? 
Instead of my brother n my sister,, look at the people who consistently closing his private parts and wearing Islamic-style clothing when passing in front of people who take refuge from jahatpun with God, they survived the disruption these people. 
 And know, O man, pious people clearly choose the people who like this. Pious people who tested the faith and religious knowledge, ensuring happiness of the world because he knew his duty is to provide for the people who exist in the protection and amanahnya and happiness hereafter, the future will be guided himself and his family leads to life eternal. When you want to get a woman sholehah sholehkanlah yourself first then .. pious women merely for the pious men and women to the male infidel disbelievers. Choose where? 
My brother n my sister, clothing is just one example jahili style, then there is no reason for us to remain silent. Because out there are almost all Muslims living bertasyabbuh to unbelievers who obviously jahili lifestyle. And let us pray that we be given the ease in accepting the truth and the teachings of the religion of Islam, amen yes robbal alamin. Hopefully the benefits.
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